Stop whatever the fuck it is you are doing. If you are a girl between the ages of 25 and 35, you might want to have a paper bag/clean panties handy. Or sit down. Or all of the above.
Because Jeff Calhoun lost his damn mind. On video. And Broadway World posted it. And then Jeremy confirmed it on the Twitter. And Newsies Retweeted it. And fuck it all, we’re just going to stay it…
Okay, so we have like… ten weeks to survive between now and first preview.
But if this isn’t the kind of New Years Miracle that makes your childhood heart soar then we just don’t know what is.
Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re on the hunt for newspaper print panties to bedazzle in time for opening night. You know, in case a certain beautiful, lush-lipped someone wants to see them.
Photo: Walter McBride
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Just the girls? Hell, I need a clean pair of panties.
I am going to do everything in my power to get up there to see Newsies. Living in Tennessee sucks. I missed Bonnie & Clyde, but I’m glad that he’s going back to Newsies. I LOVED that movie and can’t wait to see it on stage. Not to mention he’s kind of easy on the eyes.
& you’re acting as if that’s a big suprise? Even if B&C had survived their ambush by the critics, do you really think JJ would have let some other guy play J.K. for the Newsies limited run?
This is the BEST news!!!! I was obsessed with the movie as a kid, so when I heard it was becoming a stage musical, I just had to see it. I was lucky enough to score free tickets to the Paper Mill production back in October. The show was AMAZING. I got to meet Jeremy at the stage door and I got his autograph….not only is he ridiculously talented and easy on the eyes, but he’s a really nice guy, too! I cannot wait to see it again on Broadway with Jeremy as Jack. I had a feeling he’d end up being the next big star.
That faint, high-pitched ringing in your ears is probably just my fangirlish shrieking. Sorry I’m not sorry.
Sheesh…I’m having man pantie problems every time that commercial for the new Dolly Parton/Queen Latifah movie comes on and there is Jeremy running around shirtless as Dolly’s grandson “Randy”. Looks to be a wet pantie year.