Weekend Agenda: Almost Entirely Brought to You By Ramin Karimloo Edition
by lucky
on March 18, 2011
It’s Friday, baby! New shows are opening! It’s spring, which means that we can feel our hands again! It’s Sutton Foster’s birthday! Reasons for celebration, all. This week at The Craptacular, we yammered on about the foxy men of Arcadia, new songs from Carner and Gregor, and the finer points of recycling pop hits for Broadway. But our favorite contributors to the site this week were… our readers. Check it out…
Commenter Ben, who somehow found our Love Never Dies review like, months after it happened, left us some detailed and passionate feedback that compares The Phantom of the Opera to a baseball-bat-toting gorilla. We laughed. Read it to believe it.
In less (or possibly more?) amusing news, this comment on The Mick’s Wicked piece called us, and our readers, morons. This wouldn’t be all that big a deal, except that we smelled a shill. If “Stella” (and whoever is paying her) is reading, we’d just like to say nice work coding the trademark symbols. Very professional of you.
We swooned over this incredible list, assembled by a fan on Tumblr, of every American and British Phantom and Christine from the beginning of time. Swooned! Swooned, I tell you.
And speaking of Ramin Karimloo, and we were, the Olivier Awards were handed out on Sunday in London. Legally Blonde took the top musical prize, proving that the English empire really is in decline. Ramin didn’t win, but he opened the show with “Til I Hear You Sing,” and in truly Phantom-like fashion (phashion?), he sang his damn face off.
Still speaking of Ramin Karimloo, how about Les Miz on TV? Between the two of us, we’ve watched it approximately 10 times. Never mind that it stars a squinty Nick Jonas, and that the fake marching has been dialed back to a scant few seconds in “One Day More.” Nothing on earth soothes us, or prompts us to rock back and forth in a corner, drooling and sucking our thumbs, like Les Miz.
Is Jonathan Groff coming back to Glee? Nope! He’s not!
The New York Times reported that Aaron Tveit beat out both Gavin Creel and Matthew Morrison for the lead role in Catch Me If You Can. Oh to have been in that waiting room. Not to feel the tension or anything, but just to see all those beautiful people in one place.
Now, imagine this. You are now a magical casting director. Wave your magical casting director wand.

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Matt Morrison 5-10 years ago, but Tveit now.
Aside from the Jonas…I love this concert production of Les Mis. Ramin Karimloo is incredible (and incredibly good-looking, which is very nice) and I think Robert Madge is my favorite/most adorable Gavroche ever! I do get distracted at how big Lea Salonga opens her mouth when she sings, though…
Haha! Watching the Les Mis concert with my ‘gay boyfriend’ was double entertaining (made more so with the presence of many beers)
Yelling at the TV, calling Marius a bastard, liar and douche bag…Cosette a vapid whore & translating such phrases as ‘Who cares about your lonely soul?’ into ‘Stop thinking with your dick, Marius’ and ‘This day’s blessings are not over yet!’ into ‘Let’s go have the sex now’